Plastic Free Travel — 5Rs for More Sustainable Tourism
2 min readJan 17, 2018


You might know the old mantra of the 3Rs, but now consider these 5 Rs:
How can we #refuse, #reduce, #reuse, #repurpose and #recycle on our travels for more sustainable tourism?

Plastic pollution on a beach
Plastic pollution on a beach

In your packing, in destination, in your day-to-day behaviour, there’s tons of small changes you can make to de-plastic your life.


Refuse to buy food with plastic packaging > Buy instead loose and local!

Refuse to take out > dine in instead or invest in your own reusable take-away tin box!

Refuse plastic straws & cutlery > do without or use bio-degradeable or reuseable alternatives like bamboo or metal.

Refuse single serving sachets in restaurants (eg. ketchup, mayonnaise).
> suggest they stock bottles instead.

Refuse any complimentary hair or tooth plastic brushes > take your own wood or bamboo brushes.

Refuse products with microbeads > search for non-abrasive, or better, natural alternatives.

Refuse single use plastic cotton buds > use paper cotton buds.

Bananas wrapped in plastic
Bananas wrapped in plastic
  • For example, in Costa Rica our partner verifies distributor environmental standards such as no plastic wrap, packaging and willingness to reuse recyclable containers as well as single stop delivery;
  • our partner in Nepal use vegetable crates to carry shopping.
  • and in Nicaragua, they made a policy many years ago to eliminate all single-use plastic straws.
  • our partner in Indonesia use only bamboo straws, and carbonate their own water and make their own natural organic syrups for drinks too.
Local food market in Nicaragua

Click the link below to read the full article and see our tips on the remaining 4Rs!

Do you have tips to refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose and recycle while travelling? Let us know!

See the full article at:



Positive #Impact Sustainable #Tourism for #Development. Life-Changing Places with World-Changing People for Extraordinary Experiences with Purpose.